Another Workout for the Cottage

Posted on: August 11th, 2013 by paul

Its getting late in the summer so you may not have many more chances to get up to the cottage. Your motivation to workout might also be low so this workout will be short and intense to allow you to spend time following more satisfying pursuits. 


When you are at a cottage/camp/cabin, the last thing you want to do is workout. But for those fitness fanatics who need to get their workout fix, there is a lot of great activities that can meet this need. With a bit of creativity its possible to put together a workout that is more challenging and satisfying than anything you would do at a gym.

Warm Up

Arm swings, trunk rotations, hip rotations, toe touches

Explosive Power

Wood chopping for 15-45 minutes – Chopping wood is an outstanding exercise to improve your explosive power. Turn what is normally a chore into an integral part of your workout regimen and watch your shoulder strength and core strength increase. You will be surprised at how much this gets your heart rate elevated.

Training Circuit

You will need two 20-30 pound rocks, a 40-70 pound rock, a deck or bench, and towel.

5 Sets

12 Burpees

15 Thrusters using the 20-30 pound rocks

15 Box Jumps (find a deck, bench, etc that is between knee and waist height)

15 Full Sit Ups

15 Rock Cleans (Use the 40-70 pound rock. Start with it on the ground and squat into the lifting position with your back arched, chest out, and eyes forward. Explode with your hips into an upright position to lift the rock upwards then quickly squat underneath and catch it as you would catch the bar in a power clean.)

Cool Down

Swim in a lake or river


Since this is a workout that is supposed to be done at a cottage, the most satisfying part always comes at the end when you get to jump in the water. You will deserve a swim and have earned your relaxation time if you can complete this workout in less than twenty minutes. Good luck!


Be sure to check out more great workouts that you can do anywhere in our Fitness Blog.


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