Get in Shape in 2014

Posted on: January 10th, 2014 by paul

“Getting in shape”, “getting healthier”, and “losing weight” are perennially at the top of many peoples’ New Years resolutions. The hardest part is following through with maintaining healthy habits throughout the year. would like to help by offering workouts anyone can do with very little equipment and sometimes none at all. 

Good Habits

Making the resolution is a good first step towards leading a healthier lifestyle. The next step is putting this resolution into action. After that, the most important part is making a healthy lifestyle a habit by incorporating it into a daily routine so it doesn’t seem like a chore. How do you do this? Make it part of your weekly schedule.

Schedule It In

Along with work, extracurricular activities, and family time, time for fitness should be accounted for in a weekly schedule. This doesn’t mean scheduling in 1.5 hours at the gym every day. It means setting aside and achievable amount of time during each week that is strictly dedicated to getting into shape. This doesn’t mean throwing around weights every day. Include a variety of training to maintain motivation throughout the year.

Make It Fun

Many workout programs fail because lack of variety. People lose motivation after consistently doing the same exercises every day. Be sure to include a variety of activities like yoga, jogging, pilates, squash, tennis, hockey, basketball, spinning, biking, or anything that is interesting. It is much easier to stick to a training regimen when it includes activities that are fun.

Team Up

Another trick to help maintain a regular workout schedule is training with a friend. When two people commit to a goal of physical fitness it becomes a team effort. Skipping a workout means letting down the team so working out with a partner tends to help keep people on track towards their fitness goals.

Be sure to check out the ‘Travel Fitness‘ section of the blog for lots of great workouts that can get the ball rolling for 2014.

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