Travel Fitness: Training Your Core the Right Way

Posted on: April 19th, 2012 by paul

Generally, when we think about training our ‘core’ we think about doing sit-ups and crunches. Recently, a lot of fitness professionals have been saying that there are other ways to train the core, even without using sit-ups, crunches, or other seemingly ‘old school’ exercises. They’re saying you can do standing exercises like running with high knees, single-leg knees lifts, and tuck jumps. They’re saying you can do planking exercises like holding plank for a period of time, going from high-plank to low-plank, and planking while running on the spot.

While these are all great alternatives to crunches, they only work one part of your ‘core’: the rectus abdominis.

When we talk about training the core, we are talking about the area from below your breastbone to your thighs. This is not only the front of your body, but the sides and back as well. So, in order to train your core properly, you must incorporate not only rectus abdominis exercises, but oblique (side) exercises, dorsal (back) exercises, and combined exercises (which target more than one area at a time).

What I like to do with my clients is choose 4 core exercises per day (one that focuses on the front, one on the sides, one on the back, and one combined) and do 3-5 sets of each.

For Example:

Do 3 sets of the following 4 exercises:

  • Front: High plank runs (20x)
  • Side: Bicycle abs (40x)
  • Back: Superman back extensions (20x)
  • Combined: Side plank with top elbow to knee crunches (20x per side)

As you can see, we are working all aspects of the core and not just a single dimension of it. Do your research (from reliable sources like personal trainers at your gym or friends that have had great results with their core training regimes) and try to incorporate exercises that target the front, back, and side muscles of your core and you will notice results before your next all inclusive vacation.

Please post any questions in the comments section in the blog. I look forward to hearing from you.

Gillian Johnson, BA  CSCS

Gillian Johnson is the blogger and editor for, Canada’s source for last minute vacations from Ottawa with great deals on packages.


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