Archive for the ‘Nutrition’ Category

Body Weight Tabata Workout

Posted on: June 27th, 2013 by paul

Today’s workout will consist solely of body weight exercises and will be completed in the Tabata format. This means that you will have twenty seconds of work followed by ten seconds of rest, followed immediately by another twenty seconds of work, and so on. (more…)

LMV Workout Series: Nutrition Notes

Posted on: May 1st, 2013 by paul

If you are seriously considering changing your lifestyle and getting into great shape, it takes more than just working out. Nutrition, hydration and recovery are also important pieces of the puzzle. Today we will discuss the importance of nutrition and how it contributes to improving your training and getting better results. (more…)

Lose Weight for Your Vacation and Keep it Off

Posted on: May 29th, 2012 by paul

Whether you are male or female, we all have the same concerns when it comes to going on a winter vacation, and that is putting on our bathing suit. Maybe you’ve worked out over the winter, or maybe not, but it seems that the worry is still there that because you haven’t had it on in a few months, you will look flabby, pale, and generally like you shouldn’t be wearing the thing at all.

Many people jump into fad diets and fasts before their vacation to ensure they look like they belong in their 2 piece, but this is not the right way, and certainly not the healthy way. To lose weight and keep it off, you must commit yourself to a lifestyle change. If you are committed to living a healthier life, than your extra poundage will be sure to fall off, leaving you with a killer beach body.

Here are 3 lifestyle related changes that you need to consider in order to be and look healthy: (more…)

Sneaky Snacks

Posted on: April 30th, 2012 by paul

Whether you have a sweet tooth or a salty one, it is hard to walk into a gas station, corner store, or kiosk at the airport and leave with only the items you intended on purchasing.

Crafty advertisers grab our attention and motivate us to buy items that we perceive to be healthy. However, just because there is a lone steer grazing in an open pasture does not mean that the milk chocolate bar you’re about to consume is pure. The fact of the matter is that manufacturers have a team of advertisers and psychologists who think up healthy-sounding names and ‘natural’ looking packaging that trick our minds into thinking that what we’re about to consume is in fact healthy, when most of the time, it is not. (more…)

Keeping the Kids Active on Vacation

Posted on: January 20th, 2012 by paul

Childhood obesity is on the rise in North America. In Canada, childhood obesity has tripled over the past three decades. On average, 7% of young people attain the recommended level of 60 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity per day. These soaring numbers, along with the increasing waistlines of our children, present a major problem when it comes to the health of our future. We have to start teaching our children to be active and remain active, whether they are at home, at school, or on vacation.


Drink this, Not that

Posted on: January 9th, 2012 by paul

The swim up bar, the beach tiki hut, and the bracelet that allows unlimited access to both. This, my friends, is what all-inclusives are all about!

If your mentality is anything like mine, then this guide is for you.

Usually on vacation, we throw caution to the wind and load up our plates with breakfast sausages, bacon, French fries, and whatever else we feel we must take advantage of on the buffet table. However, not only do we tend to eat what we want, we drink what we want as well. Without hesitation, we order margaritas, pina coladas, and other sugary drinks that we just love to indulge in while basking in the sun.

The question is, if you were properly informed, would you still make the same decisions?

Here is a list of drinks that are commonly ordered as well as suggestions for some alternatives, along with their calorie counts. You might be surprised at what you are allowing yourself to sip on.


Belly Off Foods

Posted on: December 18th, 2011 by paul

As travelers, we have a list of mandatory ‘things to do’ before we depart on our trip. The list goes something like this:

1)      Make sure passport is up to date.

2)      Get caught up on work before leaving.

3)      Reserve spot at the kennel for the dog.

4)      Get appropriate clothes for trip.

5)      Make sure I fit into my bathing suit!!!!!


Nutrition 101: What’s on the Buffet?

Posted on: October 24th, 2011 by paul

Vacations do not only mean a break from the pressures of work, but also a break from the tiresome task of cooking your own meals. We’re constantly trying to put what’s best on the table for breakfast, dinner and in the brown bag for lunch. Alas, your vacation is here and so is the never ending buffet table. Finally, we don’t have to plan out meals, work around everyone’s preferences, and endure the most daunting task of all, dish duty.


Tips for Healthy Eating on the Fly

Posted on: October 1st, 2011 by paul

Coffee shop, pizza, snack bar, airplane dinner, airplane snacks, the odd mid-flight cocktail…
With little time, few choices and many temptations, how can we keep from straying too far from eating healthy on the fly?

Here are some tips for healthy eating in the airport and in the sky.
