Archive for the ‘Europe’ Category

Hidden Gem: Wroclaw Poland

Posted on: July 2nd, 2014 by paul

Not many people think of Poland as a popular tourist destination. Even if they do, places like Krakow, Warsaw, and Gdansk usually come to mind before a city like Wroclaw. Don’t let that deter you from visiting one of Europe’s hidden gems.  (more…)

Berlin – A City in Transition

Posted on: June 12th, 2014 by paul

Berlin is currently known as the capital of Germany but it wasn’t always that simple. For a period of 28 years spanning from August 13th, 1961 until October 18th 1989 the wall stood as a symbol separating two political ideologies. More importantly the wall physically separated East and West Germany. On August 13th, 1961 Berliners woke up to find themselves cut off from their families on either side of the wall. The fall of the wall symbolically brought an end to the communist movement separating the two sides of the city in addition to the rest of Eastern Europe. (more…)

5 Memorable European Travel Destinations

Posted on: April 28th, 2014 by paul

Europe is an outstanding place to explore for any traveler who enjoys history. Easily accessible via train and discount airlines, a trip throughout the continent can be less expensive than expected. Here are 5 places to include on your list. (more…)

Wines of South Tyrol, Italy

Posted on: March 24th, 2014 by paul

Italy is known for its many spectacular full bodied wines. When speaking of wine, one immediately relates to Tuscan wines such as Chianti or Brunello. Or perhaps wines such as Barbera, Nebbiolo or Barolo of the Northwest Piedmont region. Venture further east, north of Verona and you will find yourself in perhaps the most unique wine growing region of Italy, South Tyrol. (more…)

St. Patrick’s Day Celebrations Around the World

Posted on: March 17th, 2014 by paul

Want to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with a bang but don’t know where to go? There’s no doubt that a local Irish Pub has been counting down to this day for months and will probably throw one heck of a bash.  For those people who want to venture outside their regular watering hole to crank up the St. Patrick’s Day celebrations, cities like Montreal, Boston, St. John’s, and Dublin offer much more than Irish Whisky and Guinness.


Men’s Hockey Olympic Gold: An Impressive Feat

Posted on: February 24th, 2014 by paul

In recent years it has appeared the hockey world is catching up to Canada. Sochi’s Olympic results are a testament to Canada’s continued focus on keeping the nation’s national sport sacred. The gold medal victories by the men’s and women’s teams are impressive feats considering the staunch competition on the men’s side and the fact that the women had to defeat the United States’ powerhouse on two separate occasions. The gold medal is more impressive on the men’s side due to the growing strength of the European nations in what was once known as Canada’s game. (more…)

Winter in Barcelona

Posted on: January 8th, 2014 by paul

Barcelona is most famous for its spectacular beach vibe and parties that last until the morning sun rises. Does the city provide the same excitement in the winter months? Between the unique architecture of Gaudi, FC Barcelona and the wide variety of tapas locales, there is plenty to entertain visitors during any season. (more…)

Expand Your Horizons With Travel in 2014

Posted on: January 6th, 2014 by paul

With each turning of the New Year comes the inevitable decision to make resolutions for the upcoming year. Aside from the usual choices of watching less TV, eating healthier food, and losing weight, ‘traveling more’ is always a resolution that pops up on many lists. (more…)

How is Traveling in Europe Different from North America?

Posted on: December 27th, 2013 by paul

Are you planning a trip to Europe and wondering how different it is to travel within the European Union compared to traveling in North America? Surprisingly, a vacation across several European countries can be a quite similar to traveling in Canada or the United States if you take into consideration a few important differences. (more…)

Ski the Slovenian Alps This Winter

Posted on: December 13th, 2013 by paul


Do you like skiing? How about combining a ski trip with some culture while in the Alps? Aside from some of the finest skiing in the world, the Alps are located within close proximity to many historic cities. (more…)